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    *This site will be updated continuously in response to the ideas and insights of activists, organizers and concerned citizens nationwide. Click here to propose a new policy solution to add to the site.

    Campaign Zero is a project of the non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, WeTheProtesters. Funds donated to Campaign Zero support the analysis of policing practices across the country, research to identify effective solutions to end police violence, technical assistance to organizers leading police accountability campaigns and the development of model legislation and advocacy to end police violence nationwide. Our tax ID number is 81-3764408.

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    Over 1,000 people are killed by police every year in America. We are calling on local, state, and federal lawmakers to take immediate action to adopt data-driven policy solutions to end this violence and hold police accountable.

    Last Updated on 5/30/2025.

    Here are the URGENT actions local, STATE, aND FEDERAL officials should take:





    Yet, despite this progress, more comprehensive action is needed. Use the tools below to track legislation impacting your community and hold your representatives accountable for taking meaningful action to end police violence. This page will be continuously updated. Email feedback@gd35mh.wcbzw.com to share your feedback. 


    Federal, State, and Local Legislation Addressing Police Violence

    • At least 107 laws have been enacted from 2014-2025 to address police violence
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    • 10 states (CA, CO, CT, IL, LA, MD, OR, UT, TX, WA) have enacted legislation addressing three or more Campaign Zero policy categories
    • Executive action has been taken at the federal level as well as legislation
    • 小黑盒加速器—告别高延迟,畅玩海外游戏 - xiaoheihe.cn:2 天前 · 小黑盒加速器,告别高延迟,畅玩海外游戏。全面支持绝地求生、DOTA2、刀塔自走棋、Steam、彩虹六号、CSGO、GTA、Apex、LOL英雄联盟、H1Z1、堡垒之夜、NBA、方舟、圣歌、看门狗、战地1、战地5、战舰世界、无限法则、暗黑破坏神3、怪物猎人世界 ...

    Demand Action from Your Representatives

    Find Your STATE Representatives AND demand action TO END POLICE VIOLENCE

    Lookup your state and federal representatives and tell them to pass the legislation immediately to end police violence. Share the Campaign Zero policy agenda with them and urge them to adopt it in your community.

    Add this tool to your site

    *For this analysis, legislation was reviewed in every state, the federal government, and a range of major cities to identify laws that have been enacted or are currently being considered that include one or more Campaign Zero recommendations. In addition to their positive aspects, some of these bills also include language that should be removed, improved, and/or replaced to more effectively address police violence and ensure accountability. The purpose of this analysis is not to endorse particular pieces of legislation, but to empower communities to hold their representatives accountable for taking action to end police violence.
    *The advocacy tool includes bills that are currently being considered and bills that have been voted on by a state's full house (lower) or senate (upper) chamber where vote roll call information is available at OpenStates.org. More bills will be added as they are introduced by legislators.

    Sign Up to Get Involved



    Read the research studies, articles, and other documents on this page to learn more about the historical context, effectiveness, and key considerations for implementing Campaign Zero policy solutions. Email feedback@gd35mh.wcbzw.com to propose documents to be added to this page.



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